Brecks Court

A small and select development of 7 only properties, being two detached 4 bedroom contemporary designed houses with double garages, two large 4 bedroom semi-detached houses, one with attached garage and parking, the other with two parking spaces. Finally, three large (all over 1100 sq ft) 3 bedroom town houses, one with attached garage, the others with two parking spaces each. Visitor parking in addition.
Each with their own features both internally and externally, including arched lintels, rustic brickwork, slate roofs, Upvc windows and aluminium bi-fold doors to gardens. Solar panels.
Fitted kitchens by Moores from their Definitive Collection, and bathrooms designed by Roca.
Ready to move into.

Tel: 01904 625533
Located to the north of the City of York well placed for access to the City centre, along with the Main Monks Cross and Vangarde shopping centres, the A64 with it’s good transport links and the excellent schools and amenities the area has to offer.
Brecks Court, New Lane, Huntington YO32 9AH
Brecks Court, New Lane, Huntington YO32 9AH
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